Theresa Tobin Macy believes that compassionate and respectful healing touch is the foundational skill of massage therapy. She has combined twenty years experience in practice management and client communication skills with a love for science, corrective massage techniques, yoga and meditation. She is a deep tissue therapist who mediates before seeing clients. A left-brained critical thinker with a right-brained intuitive approach, Theresa helps therapists unite their knowledge, intuition and client communication skills. She has a west meets east approach.
Theresa believes good health is not simply the absence of disease. Good health is an integrated combination of choices that allow youthful movement, flexibility and vitality at every age. Health is finding a balance in life between work and play, managing stress, and making healthy nutritional food choices. As a massage and yoga therapist she approaches her client therapy and teaching by observing the body from a global perspective. She has a holistic understanding of the interconnectedness of the neuromyofascial web, its impact on the visceral systems of the body and role as the unifier to the mind body and spirit.
After a twenty-year career in practice management, Theresa joined the Professional Massage Therapy program at the Pennsylvania School of Muscle Therapy in 2003. She has earned her certifications in deep muscle cross fiber therapy and pre-& peri natal massage. She continues accruing over 900 hours in continuing education credit with a focus in Myofascial Release, Deep Tissue Techniques, Assessment Skills, Musculoskeletal Anatomy and Yoga Therapy. She joined the faculty at Cortiva Institute in 2008 as an instructor of Swedish, Deep Tissue Massage Techniques, Musculoskeletal Anatomy and Kinesiology. She earned the NCBTMB approved provider status in 2009 a currently offers a combination of technique, assessment, anatomy and body mechanic courses.
Theresa is a life long learner and invites you to come share in her passion and commitment to advancing the profession of massage therapy, one class at a time.