Integrated Natural Health
where wisdom meets wellness

Massage CE - NCBTMB

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At Integrated Natural Health© we are committed to focusing on proper body mechanics in all classes. Your longevity as a massage therapist is dependent on efficient execution of massage techniques.


FREE Yin Myofascial Immersion Seminar

Join us on the leading edge of this frontier. Fascial research is in its infancy. Register for this FREE 2-hour holistic experiential workshop. 

Sunday February 8, 2015  1:30pm-3:30pm

Happy New Year!  2015 holds many great learning adventures. Are you considering the 100-hour Yin Myofascial Immersion Course? Fascial research supports and I truly believe that the future of holistic health, wellness and prevention will be in the combination of myofascial manual and movement therapies. Add deeply healing mindfulness, mediation, and awareness practices and we have an innovative empowering transformative preventative health and wellness care program.

Registration Is Required and Space Is Limited

Use the Register Online Link at the top of the page

Continue reading the full details for the advanced 100 hour training.

100 Hour Yin Myofascial Immersion Course

 a balance of the art and science of touch

 a mixture of left-brain science 

and right-brain intuition

deeply healing and empowering self-care 

This Course Includes EVERYTHING, Hand's On, Self-Care and Ethics Modules:

The self-care modules complement the hand's on modules for a full experiential learning experience ~ feel it in your body, be the care-giver, be the care-receiver.

Hand's On Modules

Fascia Release Therapy © Foundations

This module introduces fascial anatomy and meridians in the neuromyofascial system.  An introduction to anatomy of connection reveals similarities in the locations of fascial and organ meridians. Fascia is a three-dimensional web that surrounds, supports and separates the organs, muscles, bones, and nerves. It provides the body with structural support. The neuromyofascial system is in a constant search to maintain equilibrium. This body system resists and adapts to change, absorbs and distributes the shock of movement, and maintains a balance between the opposing forces of compression and tension. 

Many people suffer from chronic myofascial pain caused by postural stress, overwork, fatigue, and direct trauma.  In this module participants will advance the skills of palpation and visual acuity, identifying the depth of myofascial restriction, assessing direction and lines of myofascial patterns. Participants will learn a variety of myofascial techniques. Application and experiential practice develops a resultant kinesthetic awareness of the sensations of fascia restriction and release.  These technique deepen the therapist's intuitive touch, advances the application of deep tissue techniques with less stress on the therapist's body, and sharpens visual acuity.

Yin Myofascial Integration Therapy - Anterior / Posterior Patterns © 

Yin Myofascial Integration Therapy - Lateral Body Patterns, Side-Lying ©

Yin Myofascial Integration Therapy - Neck, Shoulders, Arms Patterns ©

Yin Myofascial Integration Therapy - Spiraling Patterns ©

These modules examine neuromyofascial anatomy and compare the similarities in the locations of specific fascial and organ meridians. Participants will advance palpation, visual acuity skills and assessment proficiency returning a multitude of sensorial information. The therapist will master a resultant kinesthetic awareness of the subtle sensations of fascial restriction and release. With respect to the meridians, therapist will identify myofascial restrictions, isolate the structures involved in dysfunctional patterns, identify the depth of the restriction, skillfully apply myofascial techniques, feel the therapeutic change as restrictions release, and utilize good personal body mechanics. Treating at the depth of the restriction is deep tissue work, without increased pressure. Therapists advance their skill and save their body. Dexterity in examining through touch, visual acuity, and critical thinking skills will specifically guide holistic treatment regimens.

Self-Care Modules

Connective Tissue Yin Yoga For  Fascial and Organ Meridians - Anterior / Posterior Body © 

Connective Tissue Yin Yoga For  Fascial and Organ Meridians - Lateral Body © 

Connective Tissue Yin Yoga For  Fascial and Organ Meridians - Shoulder Girdle ©

Connective Tissue Yin Yoga For  Fascial and Organ Meridians - Hips and Twists ©

These modules are offered for the therapist’s personal self-care and not to be taught to others or performed on clients. Connective Tissue Yin Yoga is a self-care practice to release tight, adherent tissues that form within the fascial network and around joints. Much like Myofascial Release therapy, the practice of Yin Yoga involves poses held for 3 to 5 minutes with lighter sustained pressure at the edge of a restriction. The moisture stimulating stretches liquefying connective tissues creating space, flexibility and suppleness of the joints and body. Each held posture is a mini-mediation providing time for self-reflection, mindfulness, breath work, body awareness, and peace. This enormously healing practice opens and creates space in the body, mind, and spirit.  The best gift you can give your body, mind and spirit is your attention. 

 Ethics Module

Conflict Resolution

This professional communication and ethics module cultivates a greater awareness of intention, presence, and focus. Attention at the quiet and still levels of the mind cultivates an inner perceptual awareness and enhances relaxed focus and sensorial listening. Through increased self-knowledge attain a greater understanding of intuitive signals when ethical conflicts arise and throughout the resolution process. Research-based mindfulness tools such as meditation, breath awareness, and somatic movement have been shown to positively effect autonomic physiological processes. Awareness of the qualities of contact, presence, mindfulness, and self-awareness leads to a transformative care-giver/care-receiver relationship. Increased engagement with the present moment benefits you and the care-receivers you work with.

What You Will Need:  Required books, a large towel, a breast draping towel, massage sheets, note taking supplies ~ Smiles, an Open Mind, and a Willingness to Look Beyond What is Obvious

Required Books: Anatomy Trains by Thomas W. Myers


Recommended Book: Trail Guide To The Body

Teacher: Theresa Tobin Macy,LMT, CPDMT, RYT500

90 NCBTMB approved CE's -  95 classroom hours

Investment: $1550 - monthly payments are available

Location: Conscious Conditioning ~ 930 Town Center Drive,  Langhorne, PA 19047


March 28,2015 10am-7pm Saturday
March 29,2015 9am-6pm Sunday
 May 2, 2015  10am-7pm Saturday
 May 3, 2015   9am-6pm Sunday
June 6,2015 10am-7pm Saturday
June 7,2015 9am-6pm Sunday
July 11,2015 10am-7pm Saturday
July 12,2015 9am-6pm Sunday
August 15,2015 10am-7pm Saturday
August 16,2015 9am-6pm Sunday
September 12,2015 10am-7pm Saturday
September 13,2015 9am-5pm Sunday


 Cross Fiber Techniques © 

21 CE contact hours, NCBTMB Provider # 451117-09

This hands-on course focuses on learning an advanced foundational cross fiber stroke with an emphasis on attaining depth not increasing pressure. Unlike long flowing strokes, which direct blood for the purpose of relaxation, cross friction techniques encourage site-specific blood flow for the purpose of preparing the tissues for corrective therapy.

If you are struggling with deep tissue massage and clients looking for more pressure, this is the class for you. Cross fiber techniques break up adherent areas and the site-specific blood flow aids in rehydration and healing process.

At Integrated Natural Health© we are committed to focus on proper body mechanics in all classes. Longevity of a massage therapist’s career is dependent on the efficiency, fluidity and ease of movement around the table and in the execution of massage techniques.

This is a great class to take prior to:

Advanced Corrective Therapies ©

Clinical Assessment and Treatment for the Low Back and Pelvis©

Clinical Assessment and Treatment for the Shoulder and Neck©

Please Bring:  Massage Therapists: 1 set of sheets, a large bath towel,a blanket,  a breast towel, unscented lotion/cream, note taking supplies~Smiles, an Open Mind, and a Willingness to Look Beyond What is Obvious

REQUIRED TEXT:  Trail Guide to the Body by Andrew Biel

      ISBN-10: 0982663404 

Teacher: Theresa Tobin Macy, LMT, CPDMT, IYT

Investment:  $400

 Advanced Corrective Therapies © 

21 CE contact hours, NCBTMB Provider # 451117-09

Advanced Corrective Therapies' lecture uses computerized kinesiology animations as a visual tool to expand the therapist's knowledge of muscle fiber direction, agonist/antagonist relationships and strain patterns. This expanded understanding and review of anatomy and assessment prepares the therapist to identify overactive and inhibited muscles. Once identified, we will focus on navigating through superficial tissue to isolate and treat deep myofascial tissues. Through the process of choosing, then layering, appropriate corrective techniques, adhesions are released, rehydration is facilitated, and the agonist/antagonists' length/tension relationship is re-established.

You will leave this 3-day, hands on seminar, with the skills to take these techniques immediately from classroom to your table. An added focus to this class is proper body mechanics. Learn to work smarter not harder as you bring deep tissue therapy to your clients.

Prerequisites: This course is open to massage therapists who wish to learn more on the topic.

Please Bring:  Massage Therapists: 1 set of sheets, a large bath towel, a blanket, a breast towel, unscented lotion/cream, note taking supplies~Smiles, an Open Mind, and a Willingness to Look Beyond What is Obvious

REQUIRED TEXT:  Trail Guide to the Body by Andrew Biel

      ISBN-10: 0982663404 

Teacher: Theresa Tobin Macy, LMT, CPDMT, IYT

Investment:  $400.00

Clinical Assessment and Treatment for the Shoulder and Neck©

 14 CE contact hours, NCBTMB Provider # 451117-09

This 14-hour course focuses on mastering assessment and treatment for the shoulder and neck. Explore dynamic movement and postural assessments, compare fascia and acupuncture meridians, discuss treatment strategies and clinical reasoning skills. Synthesize knowledge of muscle actions, agonist/antagonist relationships, complex movements, fascial connections and tensile restrictions contributing to pain patterns and loss of function. Recording data collected on a body map provides a comprehensive, holistic global view of the client’s patterns, an invaluable treatment planning tool. Skillfully layer myofascial, cross fiber friction, and lengthening techniques to facilitate positive changes for the client and minimize stress on the therapist's body.

Prerequisites: This course is open to massage and movement therapists who wish to learn more on the topic.

Please Bring:   1 set of sheets, a large bath towel, a blanket, a breast towel, unscented lotion/cream, note taking supplies~Smiles, an Open Mind, and a Willingness to Look Beyond What is Obvious

REQUIRED TEXT:Trail Guide to the Body by Andrew Biel

                                       ISBN-10: 0982663404  

RECOMMENDED READING:  Anatomy Trains by Thomas W. Myers

                                     ISBN-10: 044310283X

Teacher: Theresa Tobin Macy, LMT, CPDMT, IYT

Investment: $315.00

Clinical Assessment and Treatment for the Low Back and Pelvis© 

14 CE contact hours, NCBTMB Provider # 451117-09

This 14-hour course focuses on mastering assessment and treatment for the low back and pelvis. Explore dynamic movement and postural assessments, compare fascia and acupuncture meridians, discuss treatment strategies and clinical reasoning skills. Synthesize knowledge of muscle actions, agonist/antagonist relationships, complex movements, fascial connections and tensile restrictions contributing to pain patterns and loss of function. Recording data collected on a body map provides a comprehensive, holistic global view of the client’s patterns, an invaluable treatment planning tool. Skillfully layer myofascial, cross fiber friction, and lengthening techniques to facilitate positive changes for the client and minimize stress on the therapist's body.

Prerequisites: This course is open to massage and movement therapists who wish to learn more on the topic.

Please Bring:  1 set of sheets, a large bath towel, a blanket, a breast towel, unscented lotion/cream, note taking supplies~Smiles, an Open Mind, and a Willingness to Look Beyond What is Obvious

 REQUIRED TEXT:  Trail Guide to the Body by Andrew Biel

                                       ISBN-10: 0982663404  

RECOMMENDED READING: Anatomy Trains by Thomas W. Myers

                                     ISBN-10: 044310283X

Teachers: Theresa Tobin Macy, LMT, CPDMT, IYT

                 Mimi Quinn, MS, LMT, CPT, CES

Investment: $315.00

Body Mechanics-Postural Stress Reduction ©    

7 CE contact hours, NCBTMB Provider #451117-09  

Are you leaving work in pain? Body mechanics is defined as: the application of kinesiology to the use of proper body movement in daily activities, to the prevention and correction of problems associated with posture, and to the enhancement of coordination and endurance.

As massage therapists, we educate our clients and assist them in identifying postural stressors that are contributory to their pain and dysfunction. This class is your opportunity to identify your postural stresses and pain contributors. 

Longevity of a massage therapist’s career is dependent on the efficiency, fluidity and ease of movement around the table and in the execution of massage techniques. Let’s face it, massage therapy is a very physical profession and there is a high instance of provider injury. We will explore strategies to eliminate your thumb dependency and abuse, reduce your job related wrist, shoulder and back pain.  The main focus of this class is individualized table-side attention to identify and bring awareness to your personal patterns and postural stressors. Together we will work on alterations to bring comfort, ease and fluidity to your movement!

Prerequisites: This course is open to massage therapists who wish to learn more on the topic.

Please Bring:  Massage Therapists: 1 set of sheets, a large bath towel,a blanket, a breast towel, unscented lotion/cream, note taking supplies~Smiles, an Open Mind, and a Willingness to Look Beyond What is Obvious

Teacher: Theresa Tobin Macy,LMT, CPDMT, IYT

Investment:  $158.00


Muscle and Functional Movement Anatomy © 

14 CE contact hours, NCBTMB Provider # 451117-09 

This refresher course offers a unique learning approach to musculoskeletal anatomy. Advancing beyond memorization to critical thinking skills combined with experiential movement activities, this class establishes a strong knowledge base to apply in postural and functional movement assessments and treatment planning. Expand the essential skills necessary for therapists and movement teachers to incorporate a higher level of application that is comprehensive and specific to your clients needs. If you struggle to remember the insertion, origin, and actions you memorized, then forgot, this class is a must. Your clients will benefit with accelerated healing as you take your academic knowledge and advance it to applied knowledge. 

Prerequisites: This course is open to massage therapists and movement teacher who wish to learn more on the topic.

Please Bring: A Yoga Mat (if possible), Wear Comfortable Clothes, Note taking Supplies, Smiles, an Open Mind, and a Willingness to Look Beyond What is Obvious

 REQUIRED TEXT:  Trail Guide to the Body by Andrew Biel

                                                  ISBN-10: 0982663404 

Teacher: Theresa Tobin Macy,LMT, CPDMT, IYT

Investment:  $315.00

                                       ISBN-10: 0982663404 

Side Lying Techniques ©    

 7 CE contact hours, NCBTMB Provider #451117-09 

Don’t reserve the side-lying position for only your pre-natal clients. Come find out how to integrate side-lying techniques into your massage sequence. The lateral side of the body is hard to access and undertreated.  The IT band, gluteus medius and minimus, obliques, serratus anterior are begging for your attention. Have you noticed how these very needy muscles compromise your wrist position and body mechanics? Let’s put an end to working so hard and position your client for easy access.

Prerequisites: This course is open to massage therapists who wish to learn more on the topic.

Please Bring:  Massage Therapists: 1 set of sheets, 1 pillow, a large bath towel, ablanket, a breast towel, unscented lotion/cream, note taking supplies~Smiles, an Open Mind, and a Willingness to Look Beyond What is Obvious

Teacher: Theresa Tobin Macy, LMT, CPDMT, IYT

Investment:  $158.00

 Functional Anatomy for Yoga and PilatesTeachers ©

This training is customized as a 10 to 30 hour course. It is offered in a series of modules, designed to be taught in yoga and pilates teacher-training programs or as continued learning for movement teachers.  The lecture is accompanied by computerized 3D anatomy and kinesiology animations perfect for the visual learners. These animations feature specific movements, illustrate the relationship between muscle groups and will improve understanding of efficient and functional movement. This class is beneficial for anyone who wants to advance their physical practice through a deeper understanding of the musculoskeletal and fascial systems. 

This course will include:

▪    Terminology

▪    Skeletal System ~ Form and Function ~ Compressive Structure

▪    Muscles and Tendons ~ Form and Function ~ Tensile Structure

▪    Joint ~ Form and Function

▪    Fascia (Connective Tissue)

▪    Ligaments

▪    Stretching Physiology and Biomechanics

▪    Safe Practice and Contraindication

Teacher: Theresa Tobin Macy,LMT, CPDMT, CPT, IYT

Investment:  Determined By Length of Program

Required Text: Trail Guide to the Body by Andrew Biel

                                       ISBN-10: 0982663404 

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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